Monday, February 13, 2017

Annual "Unofficial" Chico Dirt Bike Team Reunion... and a weekend in Panamint Valley

Met up with the Chico Dirt Bike crew in randsburg last week. These guys spend a week every year since college riding around the Randsburg area. This year they got high class and got an Air BNB in town. Neat place!

The Air BNB cabin in Randsburg. 

Property for sale!

Oz's cabin.

Started to rain on the way up and the trail was a little more technical then I thought it would be. Truck did great in 4 Low even with the dirt bike on the back. 

"Me Lonely, Hell No! I'm half coyote and half wild burro!" Seldom Seen Slim's gravestone. 

Ballarat Cemetary

Great trip. Blew a brake line a few miles from home but other than that the truck did excellent even with the added weight of the bike. 

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